
This is actually a craft blog

In case you were wondering. Or, I suppose I should say, in case I was wondering since as of yet I am the only subscribed reader of this blog. I have been reading many craft blogs lately, blogs where people (mostly mamas) post pictures and descriptions of all the lovely things that they are making with their hands and their sewing machines. And while reading their blogs fills me with inspiration and awe, it has also made me realize that blogging is an excellent way to motivate oneself to create. Thus, the point of this blog is mainly to motivate MYself to create things which I can then post about making on my blog.

Along the way I may also end up blogging about other sorts of things. Like the fact that letting my five-year-olds watch the movie, "Hook" this past weekend was perhaps one of my most hideous mistakes as a mother. I admit that I even felt a bit of dread as I clicked on the title of the movie while scrolling through the family movies section of my parents' "on demand" cable listings. But for some reason I chose to ignore that little alarm of the maternal instinct alert system. We (the 3 boys and I) were staying at my parents' house for the night and my desire to have a couple of hours of peace--doing what now I cannot even remember--stood in the way of my better judgment. We don't have cable at home, and the kids don't watch TV at all (though they do watch select dvds from time to time with some amount of passion), which is perhaps why I allowed myself to make such a callous decision in that moment. What's a couple hours of unsupervised movie watching in an otherwise media-starved life? And they LOVED the movie. The few times I peeked in on them while they were watching it, they were both flushed and grinning.

"We really love this movie, mom."
"I didn't know you would let us watch this movie, this is a PIRATE movie!"
"This is really the best movie, ever, mom. Really."
"I love you, mom."

But apparently, what they failed to mention at the time is that they were absolutely terrified. Which is why I am now sitting on the floor of the kids' bedroom waiting for Lukas to fall asleep. He is too scared to be awake in a room without a grown-up, even with all the lights on. And since my wife was completely and totally appalled to learn that I had allowed this unaccompanied viewing to take place (that in fact it was my idea), it is now officially my job to sit here until his eyelids finally collapse for the night. Thank goodness for wireless and my trusty laptop.

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