
All About Ezra

Over the past two weeks, I have had the pleasure of falling more and more in love with my sweet, sweet nephew, Ezra Star. Though I've known about his existence since the time when he was just a tiny zygote, I had no real concept of who he was before he arrived here two Wednesdays ago. My sister and I have been frequent phone talkers for several years (a habit that we're trying to break, now that we live 60 feet apart), and often when I'd hear Ezra babbling in the background during our conversations, my first thought would be, "oh right! My sister has a baby!" It just didn't feel real before I got to meet him face-to-face.

The fact that I get to go next door and love him up several times a day, every day, is like a million dreams come true. The only bummer is going over there for some Ezra loving only to find out that he's napping. But when he's awake, I'm usually greeted with the biggest, drooliest, gummy smile. Ezra takes my face in his soft, gentle hands, and gives the sweetest kisses. He truly is the happiest, most peaceful baby I've ever met.

On Sunday Ezra turned six months old, and I did a little photo shoot of him showing off his new sitting skills in the grass.

with his mama
with his big sister

with his cousin
(this picture makes me laugh because it shows how huge Ezra is)

I was hoping to go all out and infiltrate my sister's family with our half-birthday celebrating tradition, but I didn't get a chance to make gluten-free, casein-free (Ezra is allergic to gluten and casein, and even though he is still exclusively breastfed, these proteins can make their way into my sister's milk if she eats foods containing gluten or casein) cupcakes in honor of Ezra's first six months of life. I did, however, whip him up a little gift of a pear t-shirt (in size 12 months) in his best colors (blue to match his eyes, and orange to match his hair). And because you can't hold him without getting drooled on, a juicy pear seemed a fitting image.

Happy Half-Birthday, Ezra!
You add so much sweetness to my day. I love you.


Mozeyin' Along said...

Wow, what a little PUDGEMUFFIN!!! Happy 1/2 Bday, Ezra!

I see a strong family resemblance between him and Zeben.

Hope to see y'all at Pride this weekend!

Raene and River said...

What a chunker! He is so cute!

Lynn Cameron said...

Lucky you! There definitely appear to be a family resemblance between all the cousins. They are adorable!