
The Ocean is a Magnet . . .

. . . and our children are like iron filings. Seriously, we cannot keep them out of the water. Not that we try, really. Because there's little I enjoy more than watching the ocean, and watching the kids love the ocean, and living vicariously through them as they get soaked from head to toe in freezing cold, salty water.

The weather during most of our recent trip to the Cape wasn't what most people would classify as "beach weather." But we aren't most people. For us, so long as it's not raining, it's a perfect day to go to the beach. On Monday and Tuesday, it was about 60° out, windy, and rather cloudy. But that didn't stop us from spending 8+ hours a day soaking up the sea air, if not the illusive sun. We divided our time between the bay beaches, with their hermit crabs and mellow waters, and the ocean beaches, with their big waves and curious seals swimming by. And the kids seemed to understand that this was their chance to be at the beach, and they didn't complain about the ice cold water temperature or the windchill; they just took advantage of every minute they had with their beloved ocean friend.

Here they are, just after arriving at our favorite beach at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday night (it was about 60° out, and just for reference, the rest of us were wearing pants and sweatshirts, and we were building a fire to help us stay warm):

After they started to turn blue, we dried them off and cozied them up in clean, warm clothes. They stayed dry for about 5 minutes before the ocean pulled them back for more.

We knew better than to put them in clean clothes again, and just let them go naked once their clothes were too wet to stay on.

being naked at the beach = true joy

The kids continued playing with the ocean until it was so dark that I decided it was no longer safe (because I worried we would lose track of them).

Luke, Jaz and the Ocean
8:00 p.m.

We lured them into their final set of dry clothes with the promise that we would return to the beach first thing in the morning. If only we could make such promises every night.

Luke, Jaz and the Ocean
9:00 a.m. Wednesday

Will Leo love the ocean as much as his brothers do?
I can't wait to find out!

And just in case you were wondering,
I AM planning to update the blog during early labor
to let everyone know that Leo is on his way!
Hopefully sometime in the next couple weeks!


Unknown said...

such beautiful photos. glad you still made it into the ocean. our nephews braved the cold temps at fire island last week. after they got wet in clothes twice, they, too, went nudie patudie. such fun memories. i am sure leo will be glad to take part next year.

Anonymous said...

I freakin love your blog! Sounds like so much fun. I can't wait to move back to the east coast and get near the water again, I won't take it for granted this time. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures! Looks like a blast, I love that last pic, the boys look so happy and Lena looks so soft and pretty, you know?

giggleblue said...

i heart you lex!! this is fantastic and the pictures are wonderful. i'm over here giddy like a school girl waiting for Leo - i can't wait for him to get here! i want to see him!!

Celeste said...

so lovely. i grew up on the cape and feel very tenderly about these photos! i'm glad you had such a good time.