
"Our Chother"

Lukas and Jasper turned 6.5 last week, and not only did I fail to take any pictures or blog about it; I barely even remembered to celebrate it. I've just been so busy and scattered lately that it slipped my mind (there are several other blog posts that I've begun and yet not finished in the last couple weeks; still hoping to finish them before September). Lena and my mom did take the kids out to lunch, but that was the extent of the half-birthday hoopla. Which, granted, may be MORE than what most families do in honor of half-birthdays, but I'm kind of crazy about half-birthdays . . . usually. I have not, however, failed to recognize that the age of 6.5 is about as good as it gets, so far. I am so very much enjoying this current developmental stage and if the kids choose to get stuck here for a while, I would be beyond thrilled.

Not only are Lena and I really digging our six-and-a-half-year-olds these days, but they are (likely not coincidentally) really digging each other (or "our chother" as they say, their last remaining bit of "baby talk," and one of my most favorite of their say-isms, used only in reference to each other). For the first time in about five years, I am feeling lucky about the fact that Luke and Jaz are twins, rather than wishing they had been born separately. It really does seem like a blessing that they came into this world together. Earlier today, I interviewed them about how they're feeling about being twins, and found out that they think it's pretty lucky too.

Zeben, as you may have noticed, was feeling rather left-out of the "twin talk" (one of the reasons why "twins" is not a household term in our family), I think realizing for the first time that Luke and Jaz share something that he does not. Thank goodness these sweet, sweet six-and-a-half-year-olds are so loving and inclusive with their little brother. Seriously, could this please not be a phase and rather be a whole new normal? I hope, I hope.


Woolymama said...

I love the twin interview! They have such a remarkable connection, I love the way they kept looking at each other for confirmation. And I really like hearing that ages arrive that are easy and fun, as 3 (almost 4) seems to be kicking our butts. ;)

addie said...

that is priceless.. what sweeties they are. what i wouldn't give to have a twin interview of lena and me at that age!

Unknown said...

what a sweet interview. and so cool to hear their thoughts on their special connection. i love that you interviewed them. i would have LOVED that when i was 6.5 (which, as it fell in boring, quiet august was always celebrated in my house, too.)

p.s. i LOVED your haiku!!!

em said...

they are holding hands! too cute!

Unknown said...

Oh the hand-holding. It's killing me. Too cute.