
Where We've Been

I realize that I have a post with the exact same title from October of last year, and wonder if there's something about this month that keeps me away from the computer (indeed, we've been to some of the exact same places). Or if it's just a coincidence that things have been so super chaotic lately, and I haven't had a chance to attend to this space.

Some snap shots from the last few weeks:

I made French Toast for dinner while wearing two kids.

My family took a bath without me. And they all fit in the tub!

Leo was REALLY happy.

Because he learned to sit!
(Leo, nearly 4 months old)

Zeben looked for lots and lots of worms (and found a few).

We walked about 20 miles, to and from school.

We went apple picking at my grandparents' house.

We picked lots . . .

. . . and LOTS of apples. Seven bags full.

Jaz took a picture of Lena and me (and Leo).

And I tried to capture our whole brood looking happily at the camera.
And nearly succeeded.

I've cut back on work hours as of next week, and have reduced the chaos in our lives in other ways as well. I'm hoping to break the blog silence with a very post-heavy November. Thank you for not giving up on me and my little blog.


Tali said...

I love your blog and think you have the sweetest family. Thanks for always sharing the love!

GIsen said...

Looks like there will be a lot of recipes including apples as an ingredient coming up. Please share:)

Those that are good for holiday gatherings would be great.

Mama Cas said...

That last pic of all the kids and the puppy? It's about as perfect as it's going to get. I love that one! We have 4 kids, too...and I've given up on the perfectly choreographed "everyone is looking at the camera and smiling nicely" pictures. Thank heaven for digital cameras. I can take 50 shots and weed out the reeeeally bad ones!

zeebah said...

Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!! Looking forward to your November posts...

Ana said...

looks like you've all been busy! Got any unusual recipes using apples? We've made three apple pies, apple muffins, countless baked apples, etc. all in the span of a couple of weeks. We're all sort of appled-out. Any suggestions?

Lyn said...

I can't believe Leo is sitting! Love all the pics.

kat said...

i was just telling my wife about your puppy last night. how is that going?

Unknown said...

I love your blog! I was having a bad day and thought I'd check to see if you updated...so pleased to see you had and that you are all doing well.

Raene and River said...

That pup looks like as stuffed toy!

Kelly said...

I just love your blog. It makes me smile every time I read it. Your family gives me hope. Thank you so much for sharing it. :-)

boo said...

I'm so glad you're back. I have taken to rereading your archives in your absence- that's how much I've missed you. I can't wait to hear all about the new puppy and the latest on Leo (he is just gorgeous). Yay for lots of posting in November!

Unknown said...

I'm so happy you're back! I can't believe how much I missed reading your posts!

CD and SP said...

everyone is looking so beautiful these days!

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful family you have! i am adding you to my blogroll so i can follow along. i have been thinking about getting a baby hammock for my three month old. any thoughts?

Christina said...

Top photo:

How to prepare a well balanced meal ; )