
Scenes From a Home

It seems it's taking us longer than usual to finish unpacking and settling into our new house this time around. We have yet to hang anything on the walls--I haven't even finished unpacking my clothes!--and our living room is still mostly empty (waiting on a couch and a woodstove). The house has a familiarity about it--it looks like us--but it's really only just beginning to feel like a home. Here are a few pictures from this past week of our emerging home that make me feel like we're getting closer:

Lukas reading a book to Leo in the playroom

Celebrating Nama's birthday in the dining room

Jaz and Leo snuggling in the kitchen

Zeben, watching the squirrels in the front yard from the kitchen couch

The toy animals lined up, "in size order," on the living room windowsill 

Leo playing!

A certain rain-lover, joyfully testing out a third driveway

Leo, peacefully sleeping in the hammock*

There is so much I want to do to help us settle into this cozy house, and so very many distractions keeping me from doing much of anything house-related. My next goal is to finish building the chicken run, so that we can move our chickens here (they are still living at my mom's, a couple miles away), but after that I can hopefully focus more energy on the inside of our home. For now, I'll just have to be at peace with the progress we've made, and the calm that is finally beginning to return to our family. 

*We thought we loved the hammock before we moved, but after two weeks without it (that's how long it took us to find a ceiling joist in the new house from which to hang it), we REALLY love it. Hello, sleeping baby! We missed you!


Iris E. said...

What an adorable puppy! Super cute...hmmm, hypoallergenic sounds good to me. What am I thinking?!
Love to all,

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the new house!! And wow, Leo is so beautiful!

JustAnotherJenny said...

Wow, you're gone for just a little while and Leo has really grown!

Your boys are all just beautiful!

Congrats on everything (house, new babe, new puppy, happy family, etc.)

Jake said...

beautiful, all! did someone make leo that blue mobile? it's lovely.

sara said...

I've been away from blogs for some time. Fun to catch up with yours. Congratulations on your new home. Leo looks great, great, great. That hammock swing & gorgeous twig/star mobile= ahhhhhhhhh (happy sighs from me).