
Baby on the Move

We've been joking for the past several weeks that all Leo--who celebrated his 1/2 birthday the day after Christmas--wanted as a gift was to learn how to crawl. And, like so many other wishes this season, his came true! On Solstice morning, he crawled across the rug for the first time, and now, a week later, he's a fully-mobile, crawling, pulling-up, and cruising, disaster-waiting-to-happen!

Hooray for happy, crawling babies!
And hooray for arnica, too.


Kalisis Rising said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOO! He can't be that big already! Oh my lord. Congrats to little Leo and to his very proud mommies. Wowza. That's amazingly awesome! I'm with Zeben on this one...He's Crawling! In an incredulous voice...

moi + toi PHOTOGRAPHIE said...

Mommy.. HE'S CRAWLING!!!

So adorable!!

Alison said...

So adorable and *LOVE* Zeben's commentary...

Christina D. said...

(not exactly related to the post, but I was curious how you take such beautiful pictures)
Do you have any tips?
Camera? I just bought a Nikon D3000

Do you photoshop them before posting?

Your blog is AMAZING and reading it makes me happy. I want a dutch cargo bike too!
