
Inspired By Color

Thank you all so much for your sweet, loving and encouraging comments on my last post. Unfortunately we heard today from the computer "doctor" that nothing was able to be retrieved from my water-logged hard drive. I will seek a second opinion, but I am not optimistic. I'm torn between wanting to think about each series of photographs that was lost--while I can still remember them--and wanting to not think about them at all. We are feeling very grateful for this blog and the pictures within it. They are small and low-resolution, but certainly better than nothing. And, of course, we continue to ground ourselves in our many blessings.

Yesterday we signed the papers and became the homeowners of our very own house. We are still getting used to it; the lack of rules--in the absence of landlords--continues to surprise and astound us ("we can just take down this hideous ceiling fan!"). It really does feel as though the possibilities are endless. Last night we had a bit of a celebratory dinner in the new backyard with Katie and Aaron and their boys (and several hundred mosquitoes), and it was so fun to get a taste of what our new life will be. We are planning to move at the end of the month, but will be spending lots of time at our new address up until then, getting things ready.

We are doing some construction work on the house (or rather, hiring some friends of ours to do it for us: taking out a popcorn ceiling, tearing up the carpet in the playroom and putting in a wood floor, building some kitchen shelving, and installing a woodstove & hearth), and painting as many of the rooms as possible in the next couple weeks. This afternoon we spent several hours trying to pick out paint colors while drawing lines on the kitchen wall, designating where we want shelves to be.

In one way the process of packing and moving and preparing a new home has gotten easier with practice and repetition, but on the other hand, having a larger quantity of children each time we move does seem to complicate matters just a bit. It's also that the current ages of our youngest two are not particularly well suited for any project that requires Lena's and my full attention (such as painting an entire house in one week). Luke and Jaz were happy to watch a new dvd from the library, upstairs in their new bedroom, while we worked downstairs today.

Luke and Jaz: in dvd heaven
Zeb: not so much

But Zeben and Leo both require more parental entertainment. Our experience today pretty much pointed to the necessity of getting a mother's helper to come and be an extra pair of hands if we want to finish painting before we move. That said, we did get one productive stretch while Zeben was "helping" me to measure things in the kitchen . . .

Zeben measuring the oven

. . . and Leo was happily hanging out on the kitchen floor.

Leo at 2.5 months

Leo is lying on the blanket that Katie (our beloved) wove for him, and this afternoon we decided that it looked so good in the new house that we're using it as the sole inspiration for the color scheme (if you can call "crazy, funky, multi-colored" a scheme). I am so excited to live in such a colorful home! The sky is the limit (and yes, there will be at least one painted sky ceiling when we are done).


JustAnotherJenny said...

Congratulations! :o)

IlluminatedAttic said...

Congratulations Lex and family! We bought our first home just one year ago and wow what a change from renting all those years, I know right where you're coming from. Enjoy!

Mama Cas said...

Congrats on your new home! And yes, you are free to take down that ugly ceiling fan! Isn't it wonderful?!

We lived in apartments for many years and one day, when we were house hunting, I turned to my hubs and said, "I will NEVER paint a wall white once we have our own home." For obvious reasons, rental apartments are ALWAYS white/off white.

Happy painting!!

mama said...

THis is so AMAZING! Your family is so blessed. I am so sorry to hear about your photos...it's heartbreaking, but I do understand the need to not dwell on what is lost in pictures, you have your lovely memories. Just let me know when you are ready for me to come and take pictures of your beautiful family in your new beautiful home!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I guess I haven't seen you since Zeben was a baby. Congratulations on Leo and on the house! I'm excited to follow your beautiful writing about your beautiful family, and maybe meet the kids and see you guys again next time I'm in town!

Anna T. (from Haven House)

Kathryn said...

Congratulations! The multi-colored painting sounds like it's going to be fabulous!

Ana said...

Congratulations and what a lovely blanket, Leo looks fantastic too!

JMe said...

congrats on owning your very own home. It is fun being able to make it your own. I agree with the other poster who said No to apartment white walls. Can't wait to see all the color you guys bring into your home! Also Zeben is looking much older in these pics! Such cute boys!

Figboiler said...

i can't wait to see the finished product. i love you colorful concept! it seems so perfect for your lively family.

Kelly said...

Congratulations!! I am so happy for you and your family. What a wonderful step in your journey together.

PS--I am SO sorry about your pictures. You have inspired me to put mine on a USB drive.

handJsmum said...

Just wondering what type of wood floor you put in your carpeted room. We have some floors that look like your other ones and are trying to find a complimenting wood for some of our floors. So far we are leaning toward natural maple or red pine.

handJsmum said...

Just wondering what type of wood floor you put in your carpeted room. We have some floors that look like your other ones and are trying to find a complimenting wood for some of our floors. So far we are leaning toward natural maple or red pine.