
The First Time

Today was the first time, in a loooong time, that it was warm enough to be outside in just a t-shirt. It was the first time since the fall that we left the heat turned off in our house all day (even though it still never got warmer than 62° inside). I guess spring always feels like a lot of newness, what with birth happening all around you. But I think it feels especially new when you've got little ones to experience everything with.

Today was the first time Zeben ever wore jeans.
He looked like such a big kid.
I also bought him his first pair of crocs today. Too cute.
Lukas started riding a two-wheeler bike for the first time this past week. After spending hours upon hours glued to his pedal-less run bike, he's long had the balance part of riding a bicycle totally mastered. When Jaz started riding a regular two-wheeler last summer, Luke cheered him on with such excitement. But he didn't even want to try riding one himself. Until now. And, as is the norm for kids who have been riding balance bikes, the first ride on the two-wheeler was really not that big of a deal. He got on the bike, and rode it. But he was still quite proud of himself.
And, of course, we are proud of him too.
Note the look of peaceful satisfaction on his face. I Love It.
Jasper handed down his two-wheeler from last summer to Lukas (who is really too big for it, but he feels more comfortable on the smaller frame), and has just started riding his BIG bike (that he was too scared to try last summer) for the first time this week. He can go really fast on it.
Today was also the first time this season for eating strawberry pops on the front porch.
And, of course, it provided the perfect opportunity for the first 3-boys-together photos of the spring.

1 comment:

A. Mama said...

the boys are crazy cute (and that's *not* for the first time!) ;)