
Clothesline Love

Lena gave me a clothesline for my birthday a couple of weeks ago, and today we used it to dry our regular laundry for the first time (it's already been working wonderfully with Zeben's diapers).There's something so romantic about clotheslines. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the intimacy of seeing all your clothes hanging up there together on the line. Blowing in the wind and seemingly coming to life and dancing through the air. Or maybe it's just that clotheslines are romantic by association. Just the idea of a clothesline conjures up images of cozy country houses, and warm sun, and soft worn quilts, and maybe that's what's romantic.
Regardless, I certainly enjoyed watching Lena hanging the clothes out to dry this morning. She enjoyed it too. In fact, after the clothes were dry and folded, she was just positively giddy with clothesline love. And none of the clothes turned out too crunchy or wrinkled as I had feared they might. All in all it was a success and definitely the start of a new trend in our home. From now on, we'll likely be doing the wash in conjunction with nice weather and hanging everything outside to dry.

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