
And the Winner is . . .

Congratulations to Commenter #32, also known as "MB." Please email me at totallysmittenmama at gmail.com so that I can find out what your preferences are in regards to size and color and where I should ship the tiny bike tee when it's done!

I really wanted to just make little bike t-shirts for ALL of you who commented, but I know that that would be unrealistic given the amount of sewing time I have these days. But I am planning on lots more fun giveaways in the weeks to come, so hopefully everyone will win something in the the end (you know, so that it's totally and completely fair (my motto as a mama of twins)).

I also want to be able to answer some of the great questions that people asked in their comments, and so I'm thinking of doing a question and answer post in the coming week. Maybe you have a question about how tippy the bakfiets is or how we ever managed to afford to buy it in the first place. Or why, after comitting to buy it and buying it, we still haven't gone forward with selling one (or both!) of our cars. Or maybe you really just want to know what kind of sewing machine I use or if we're going to have any more babies after Leo is born. Maybe you're wondering how we find time to clean the house or focus on our marriage with three little ones running around. Perhaps you're curious about raising goats and want to know what goat milk tastes like. There's no limit to the kinds of questions a person can have when allowed full access to one's inner nosiness. You can leave your questions in the comments section of this post, and I will compile them and provide some answers sometime soon. Oh, and the person with the best question? Will definitely get a prize. So be creative and ask away!


Ditto said...

Oh, me, me, I have questions. How do you make time for your relationship with Lena? Have either of you had problems with unaccepting family members, if so how have you dealt with it? What is your favorite book? What has been the greatest, unexpected blessing of being a mom? What have you found more difficult than you ever imagined? Do either of you work outside of the home? How many questions am I allowed to ask? ;) Is your life truly as idyllic and wonderful as you portray it or do you make a conscious decision to record it on your blog in this manner?

giggleblue said...

okay, i have a throw back question - you mentioned starting to use "family cloth" a while ago - like last year. you had made a stack of rainbow colored wipes and talked about deciding to make a transition to using them instead of TP. how is that going?

we just have one baby although hopefully we will be adding more to the mix. sometimes, i found myself floundering with just that one. i feel like adding more to the mix will make things easier, but at the same time, i worry i won't be prepared. given that dp will be on the IVF road and will be transferring two blasts when the time comes, i'm almost sure we will have twins. how do you keep your head above water? or is there no water? there has to be water, right?

what is the biggest difference between yourself and Lena, rather it be personality, parenting style, ect.?

i notice that you make a lot of gifts for friends and family rather than purchase them. that has inspired me to do much of the same, because honestly, something home made is FAR better than something you pick up at the store. not to mention, i think the economic situation has inspired a lot of us to be more self sustaining. what is your motivation for being so "green"?

not that you don't have enough animals running around, but why don't you have a dog?

and last but not least, lets talk cloth - what is your favorite type of overnight cloth diaper? favorite cover? prefolds or fitteds? favorite diaper material?

Unknown said...

What do you find the most challenging about having three boys? The most rewarding? How do you keep the magic alive in a 10 year relationship [four of which you've been married! :D] despite the craziness of everyday life? What is your greatest passion in life?

I love reading your blog! [I'm a straggler from MDC] You are inspiring to me in many ways and I am thankful you allow readers like me a glimpse into your life. Thank you a million times over.

Unknown said...


Thanks for opening yourself up like this. I have really appreciated all the things you write about. Your blog has given me great ideas of things I would like to do with my (currently not-yet-conceived) children. I have a few questions for you. If I am asking you questions, though, it seems only fair if I tell you a bit about me.

I live in Oregon with my partner and we hope to start trying for kids in the next year or two. I just finished my graduate degree and am looking for a job in my field. I went to college in NY (graduated in '03) and visited your neck of the woods several times then as I had a friend who went to Hampshire.

On to the questions :)

1) I am curious where you found a lot of the great playthings you have for your kids. Specifically, I'd love to know where you got the process table and the large wooden trucks that are in the kids' playroom.

2) How long does is take you to make one of the t-shirt with appliqued fabric? In the last 2 years I have started to make onesies and t-shirts for the babies I know. As I do not have a sewing machine, each shirt takes several hours. I am curious how much time I could save if I got a sewing machine. (And as an add on question, what type of sewing machine do you have?)

3) I have wondered how you guys managed to afford the bakfiets (sp?). It is not a question I would normally ask, but since you brought it up. . .

Again, thanks for letting us ask, and thanks for such wonderful writing about your life.

AKLena said...

Such fun! Thanks for the chance to ask all the burning questions :)

Do you have any regrets for starting your family at a young age? Any plans or dreams on the back burner? What are your and Lena's plans for once the kids are grown?

I second the question on the 'family cloth.' How is that working out?

How is it going for Lena to be in school? Does she work as well?

Finally, how does Lena pronounce her name? Silly, I know, but as a fellow Lena who pronounces it 'lay-na' I can't help but ask :)

Thanks again!

Christie Rowe said...

@AKLena - it's "Lee-na" - also once known as Orbulena universa in reference to the foraminifer. - sorry to jump in there lex but i guess you have a lot of questions to answer anyway!

miss you all

Anonymous said...

Oh, we can ask questions, great :-) I've never commented on your blog, but I had to take that opportunity,

Will Lena take time off from work, once Leo is born or are you both staying home with the child or will you work?
Do you both plan to breastfeed Leo?
Is there anything special that you do to prepare the boys for the babies arrival? Any celebrations?
How is Luke's gluten-free diet working out these days?
What are your plans regarding your childrens school education? You mentioned homeschooling once. I would love to hear more about your dreams and opinions on school.
You do these wonderful holiday celebrations (like solstice), did you create your family traditions by yourself or were you raised that way or did you get into it at some other time in your life? How did you create your own way of celebrating, all those great rituals like with the eggs and the seeds?
Do you still do your special wednesday adventures?

Thank you for writing such an inspriring blog.
Cathy from Germany

Brighid of the Finger Lakes said...

The chance to ask questions is an exciting one. I so look forward to reading your blog entries and find myself thinking of your family often.

I too have wondered how you and Lena manage to maintain an adequate level of fulfillment in your relationship when there are some many other mouths to feed, noses to wipe, and hands to hold.

Also, whether you intend to nurse Leo as well as Lena? What an extraordinary change of perspective!

Also, though I know this is the most personal and potentially uncomfortable, clearly edit as you see fit, I have indeed wondered about your finances since Lena is in school and you are heavily occupied at home with the boys. My partner and I both work full-time at careers centered around our college degrees, without children, and are struggling to make ends meet, pay student loans, etc. Our discussions of having a child in the future seem frequently to center around our astonishment that other people can afford to adequately care for their children while we're struggling to provide for ourselves ( I'm not claiming poverty here, or anything even close...We can cover our basic finances and even go out to dinner once or twice a month, but anything beyond that seems implausible at this point).

Since reading your Christmas entries I've wondered endlessly about the source of your 'gift wrap scarves' and the techniques Lena used to apply them...Truly lovely.

Thank you again for this regular glimpse into your family's life. I am always left with a sense of hope for my own future family and the motivation to make my life just as I want it to be.

Ninefirefly said...

Mmmmm questions, let's see, I remember once you said that you rent the place you are in now, do you want to buy it? What do your landlords think about all the changes you made and animals and such? I know you love having three boys (and one on the way) but did you ever feel a yearning for a girl-child? What kind of names, if any, did you think up for possible girl-children? Are you guys done having kids after this? How did you get to be such a lucky girl? :) What's the biggest challenge you and Lena have faced as a couple and what got you through it?

klw said...

I agree. Again, I love your blog, as it truly warms my heart.

I would love to know more about how you approached the process of conceiving children. Did you always know you wanted to use a donor? How and where did you look? From what I understand, it is very costly. Is this true, and how did you afford it?

While I feel rude asking, how do you afford all the great things you do and have going on, especially with Lena in school?

My girlfriend and I would love to have kids in the near future. We just bought a house, which is a huge thing, but ultimately, not much more than we were paying for rent in Northampton. Anyway, as much as we don't want money to stand in the way of the life we dream of, it all seems a bit daunting...paying for a wedding (however small it may be), whatever costs come with using a donor, all the expenses that come with kids themselves, schooling, etc, etc...not to mention all the work we need to do on the house. It all just really adds up.

Can it really be done?!

Unknown said...


First of all - I want to say, your blog is such a pleasure to read. I love it and always look forward to new posts. Now, the burning question I have may be too personal - and if so, please feel free to ignore - it is in regards to finances. You and Lena are living my dream life - lots of kids, goats, chickens, close to family, in a progressive community, and tons of quality time with loved ones - etc. The thing is, I've always thought this would require one to be independently wealthy. I know you talk about different ways you save on day to day things - but I'm also unclear as to how you earn income. I know Lena has a job lined up - but I'd love to get a sense of how you make this awesome life work financially. Thanks!

giggleblue said...

what is something that you feel so strongly about - to the point to where there can be no compromise?

giggleblue said...

okay - last question, i promise. what kind of camera do you have?

Phoebe said...

Your photos look great, what type of camera and on what setting do you use?

Anonymous said...

My question is, when is your mom going to start writing a blog???

Anonymous said...

I remembered two more questions. You live pretty close to a big (and beautiful) river and the kids run around your little farm freely. How do you see the dangers of them falling in the river? I grew up near a lake and fell in repeatatly as a young child, so my mom made me take swimming lessons at the age of 4. Can Luke and Jaz swim?
Secondly, can you talk about (no) vax and farm life? You probably researched a lot about vacinations, I'ld love to hear your opinion.
Cathy from Germany

Unknown said...

hi there! sorry to have missed the questions portion of the week, but was dying to tell you that when i was in holland last week, i saw your bike everywhere! there were so many moms/ dads all over cities and suburbs and country alike. i couldn't help but think it was so cool that you have one!

hope all is well there! it must be such a nice biking season in the valley these days.

take care,

-L. B. said...

Well this may be too personal or not- But I am curious about how your lovely sons came to be. Did you gals did a home insemination? Use fresh or frozen sperm? what kind of birthing experience did you have/ what are you and Lena planning for the next birth- home, hospital, doula, midwife, waterbirth? Can you tell someone is getting ready to conceive ;)

me said...

Hello! I love your blog. I went to school with Lena and got your blog info from her facebook page. I was wondering about your mom. I live next door to my parents too and was wondering more about her. I know she lives next door, you have your mini farm on her property and I have seen a picture or two of her in some of your posts but it doesn't seem like she does alot of childcare for you. I use my mom more for company (I have 2 girls and my husband works long hours) then anything else, is it the same for you?
Since I started reading your blog I have made 2 baby carriers, so thank you for the idea. Keep crafting and showing your work, it is beautiful and inspires me to be more crafty!