Tomorrow morning I am going to wake up early--to the sound of an alarm clock--and be out the door by 6:45 in order to drive an hour, and then, if all goes according to plan, take a five-hour test.
I have been working towards this goal--taking this test--for 6 years. I hope I don't mess up (as in, get lost on the way there, or forget to bring my photo ID, or, perhaps most significantly: fail the test). I would really like for this all to end with 5 new letters after my name: IBCLC. Tomorrow, I am taking a test, and if I pass it, I'll be an internationally board certified lactation consultant. I will be able to build a career out of supporting breastfeeding mothers and babies.
For several weeks now (and really, I should have started months ago), I've been cramming: trying to flood my brain with as much breastfeeding-relevant information as I possibly can. There is just so much to learn, there's no way I could know it all. I just have to hope that I know enough, that the information I've actually absorbed is the critical information, that I will be able to, after studying images for many hours, recognize the appearance of a nipple damaged by a breast pump and distinguish it from a nipple damaged by a baby with ankyloglossia (half of the questions on the multiple-choice test reference photographs).
I won't find out if I pass the exam or not until mid-October, which is actually kind of a relief. I am looking forward to taking the test and then not thinking about it at all anymore for a couple of months. It has been a huge source of anxiety as of late. There are so many things I want to do--namely finish the kitchen/dining room remodeling project that I began a couple months ago and then abandoned, abruptly and only half-started, leaving us to live in a state of shambles since then--and it will feel great to not have this looming test weighing heavy on my mind.
I would very much appreciate any calm, confident and hopeful vibes you feel willing to send my way as I attempt to make this long-term goal a reality!

me, at the start of this journey:
tandem nursing Luke and Jaz in the park
UPDATE: Thank you so much for your well wishes! The test wasn't nearly as difficult as I feared it might be, and the time allotted was way longer than necessary (in reality, it was more like a two-hour test than a five-hour test). There were a couple of questions that I really didn't know the answers to, but for the most part I felt like I was well-prepared to take the test simply for having been working with breastfeeding mothers and babies for the past several years. I definitely encourage anyone who qualifies to sit for the exam next year to plan to do so, and not to stress about memorizing anatomical structures or terms, but instead to focus on acquiring practical knowledge, and studying photographs related to breastfeeding and babies, such as those in The Breastfeeding Atlas.
Good luck! I have many friends taking the exam tomorrow and I'll be holding lots of 'passing easily' intentions for all who are taking it.
Wishing you calm confidence tomorrow as you cross this next bridge. Good luck!
good luck! i'm sure your time studying images will pay off; for me it's almost always a dead giveaway, i see the image and immediately it triggers the terms and processes in my head. what an awesome career that will be. congrats on pursuing this for yourself, and i LOVE that picture of you and luke and jaz. so sweet.
good luck! i'm sure you will do awesome. it's always cool to be doing something that you are invested in and already interested in.
i'm sure you will do great!
You will do well, and as Ashley said, that is actually a good study method, visual triggers. You will get up peacefully and remember everything and take it calmly and you will pass, because you are awesome and already The Job without the letters, and are great for calling. You will pass and it will be ok. Or you will not pass, forgive yourself, make other choices, re-study, re-take and pass, ...and it will be ok. you'll feel both calm and anxious, but either way you are safe and loved and will eventually succeed the way you need to! good luck!
A good friend of mine is also taking the exam tomorrow. I'm quite confident in both of you, and I can't wait to hear the (doubly!) good news, come October!
wow, that is awesome!! greatest luck to you!
good luck!!
Sending calm, confident, and hopeful vibes your way. As a mama that has had some breastfeeding challenges, I've found your posts inspiring and helpful and I think mamas and babies and families would be so helped by having you as their lactation consultant. Congratulations on getting to and through the big test!
I cannot imagine a more patient educator, motivated champion, and inspiring mentor for this element of motherhood. Go get 'em!
Although your test is over now, I am sending all kinds of vibes in hopes that it went well and you have arrived home safely, and of course, that you passed!
I wanted to wish you luck, but realized that the test is over, so I'm hoping that it went well instead!
What a great photo! I hope the test went well.
Good Luck, I have been following you since I first saw the photo posted at the bottom of this blog post.
I'm a LLL leader and considering taking this test! Please let us know how it goes!
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