
The Meanest Mom in the World

Perhaps you haven't yet heard the news, but I've recently been awarded the highly sought-after title of "Meanest Mom Ever" by my five-year-old sons, Lukas and Jasper. Here's a sampling of my actions that got me in the running, and ultimately won me my "meanest mom" medal:

- After taking the kids to go swimming with one of their best pals after school, I made them leave "too early" to go home for dinner.
- I actually made them stay at the pool "too long" because they were already hungry for dinner by the time we left.
- The snack bar at the pool didn't serve any foods that my kids like.
- I was unable to make the radio play the same song twice in a row on the drive home from the pool.
- It is too late in the season for us to become members at the pool ourselves (we went as guests).
- The kids don't swim as well as their friend (who can do the butterfly stroke at age 5).
- After reminding them several times that the consequence for not listening at bedtime was no bedtime story, I did not read them a bedtime story.

Meanest. Mom. Ever.

For cruel and unusual mothering

While clearly the kids were being a bit ridiculous (um, overtired and over hungry much?), the truth is that I was not my best mom self yesterday. Lying in bed and contemplating my new status that night, I had to admit that I hadn't exactly been trying my hardest. That I haven't been trying my hardest in general lately. There was a time when Luke and Jaz were toddlers and it suddenly dawned on me that I couldn't really control their behavior anymore. Not that I ever could control it entirely, but for a long time (their whole infancy) I had a kind of magic power over them, just by being their mom. They were happy simply to be in the same room with me (and my breasts), and I could easily solve any moment of grumpiness simply by smiling at them (and offering a boob). But then they turned into toddlers, and I turned into moldy bread. Well, maybe it wasn't that extreme but I definitely lost some of my magic. I mourned this loss deeply. I had not seen it coming. I naively thought that my mom magic would last forever.

But the thing is--and this is what I was thinking about while lying in bed last night--that I do still have some magic. It's just that it's a kind of magic that requires a lot more energy than simply smiling or lifting my shirt. I have to play. I have to pretend. I have to make everything (finding shoes, putting them on, getting in the car, buckling car seats, etc.) into a game. And sometimes it's just easier to think "I have no control over them," "nothing I do matters," "they're insane and irrational," than it is to exert the energy it takes to switch myself into playful parenting mode. I've been finding myself getting grumpy and frustrated with the kids a lot lately, and while I don't think my feelings are unfounded or nonsensical, I do think I've been a bit neglectful in that I've been forgetting to try and have fun. Despite the whining. Despite the complaints. Despite the ridiculous requests. And, now that I think about it, that's probably what the kids were getting at when they told me how mean I was.

So, the goal for tomorrow is to have fun. To be silly. To really try. And maybe I'll have lost my new title by the end of the day, but I think that's actually okay with me. As long as I don't have to give back the lesson that came with it.


Anonymous said...

really, you are the meanest mom? I thought that was me!

Seriously I think something is in the water because all the mamas right now seem to feel like they are grumpy and lost the playful parenting that makes things just flow, and all the kids are really grumpy and unhelpful and complainy...

It's so hard, somedays, to summon the energy to be "on" so that everything is silly and crabiness just rolls right off me. I get in this mood like "just do it 'cause I said so" which is so not my parenting philosophy but it's hard to remember that in the moment when I'm tired and hot and "could you please get in the car seat so that I can drive and your brother will stop screaming? I have asked a zillion times already!" You know? ;-)

Katie said...

aw, what a beautifully sincere and tender post lex. count me in as one of those overly-exasperated, unenergized moms. with my boys about to turn three, i feel we are headed into most wanted hated mom land too. luckily my boobs still have some power, as do some of my other motherly qualities too i hope.
i still think we should develop some kind of camel-pak nutritional device for our busy kids--oh how many outbursts would be avoided by constant nourishment.