
Snips of Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

We've tried our hardest not to genderize our kids. We don't make assumptions about what they will or won't like based on their physical anatomy. We don't buy into the idea of "boys' toys" or "girls' clothes." If anything, we probably encourage our kids more in the direction of "girl stuff" just because we assume that they're getting plenty of "boy stuff" encouragement from society at large. But, for the most part, we stick to the "gender neutral" department in regards to clothes and toys and general philosphy.

And for the vast majority of their lives, I haven't really seen my kids as being BOYS exactly. They've just been kids. Kids who love pink and purple and black and red. Kids who love fairies and monkeys and pirates. Kids with penises, yes, but not necessarily "boys." All that said, lately Jasper has been seeming particularly boyish to me. And I think what it really is is just that he's seeming older, looking older, looking more like a little boy than a genderless baby, toddler, or preschooler.

Partially, it's the big kid athletic shorts he
insists on wearing almost daily.
Partially, it's the new sporty sneakers he's wearing
(his first real sneakers!)
Partially it's how giddy he is about being able
to wear said shorts and sneakers.

And how much he enjoys looking at his own reflection
in this particular ensemble.
And, partially, it's the fact that one of his baby teeth
is no longer residing in his mouth
I can see how now is when it gets tough to stick to the genderless parenting. Now when I have this little person in front of me who suddenly looks so much like a little boy. Now is when the real work begins. I need to make sure that he knows that he's made of much more than snips of snails and puppy dog tails. That he is also ginger and spice and everything nice. That what the other kids with penises are doing or wearing doesn't have to mean anything about what he should be doing or wearing. And I can only hope that he listens to me.

1 comment:

Megan said...

He looks more like you in these photos than any you have ever posted.