
Long Distance Cousins

While we are blessed in that we live within miles of our parents, one of the saddest things in my life is the fact that my sisters live so far away. We live in Massachusetts, while my little sister, Fiona, lives in New Mexico with her new husband, Jon, and my big sister, Jesua, lives in Oregon with her husband, Chris, and my niece, Araela. I would be so happy if we all could live in the same town, but we are all quite attached to our separate locations (and the climates that come with them). So, we make do with talking on the phone, emailing, and occasional (1-3 times a year) in-person visits. Early this morning, Jes, Chris and Araela headed back to the airport after a week-long visit. It was very hard to see them go.

Araela is 3 years old, almost exactly 2 years younger than Luke and Jaz. But since she's inherited her mother's genes (my sister Jes is 6 feet tall), while Luke and Jaz are somehow managing to take after Lena (she's 5 foot 3), the three "big" kids are pretty much the same size. Seeing all the cousins love on each other is one of the best things in the world. They had a great time playing outside at Nama's (my mom's) house, and swimming in the pool at De De and Fritzel's (my grandparents').

Eating popsicles at Nama's house

Finding treasures

Studying bugs

Jes enjoying a moment of weightlessness

Araela and Jaz jumping in

Learning how to swim (aka trying not to drown)

Doing tricks with Papa Chris

And of course, hanging out in the bakfiets

All in all, the week went incredibly well, and we can't wait until the next gathering, when there will be FIVE cousins to love each other up.

1 comment:

Jezamyn said...

I thought my now three year old had made up calling her grandparents "Nama and Papa" but apparently I was mistaken, they aren't the only ones with that name pair!