
And then he was "free"

Last Saturday Zeben celebrated his third birthday. The fact that I am only just now, nearly one week later, recording this information, is actually in keeping with the whole celebration this year. Zeb had big plans for his "bird-day party" (he remains a committed bird-lover, and had fantasized about a bird piñata full of LIVE worms, among other fabulous bird-related party activities), but between the flu (which is rampant here) and the rain (why must it always rain on Zeben's birthday?), and the general state of things around our house (hello, disconnected woodstove in the middle of the living room floor), we forgot to invite anyone to Zeb's party, let alone make the piñata.

And, while the Martha Stewart Mommy inside me is sorely disappointed that I won't get a chance to present my "turn a pinecone into a bird-feeder" activity for a table-full of preschoolers, in my heart I feel like Zeb's birthday went exactly as I wish all birthdays in our family could go. It was mellow. There were balloons (this after Zeben woke up that morning and said, "it's not my birthday today. There aren't balloons all over the place"). And the now traditional birthday carrot cake. We let Zeben pick what to have for dinner (homemade mac & cheese), and invited a few very beloved family members over to help us celebrate. We gifted Zeben with a harmonica (and one for each of his big brothers too), and it wasn't wrapped, but it came in a case, and he loves it. And we had some bird artwork made for him as well (to honor his love of cardinals and blue jays).

three birds, three candles

so absorbed in the beauty of it all

what oh what to wish for?

birthday birds, made by local artist, Linda Ruel Flynn

loving the harmonica

Zeben, like many kids his age, likes to say that he is "free" now, which always makes me smile. In so many ways three-year-olds really do take on a new level of freedom via their increased independence. And I too, am feeling a bit more free these days, with Zeben happily staying longer days at preschool, going to bed (in his own bed!) early and easily, pooping on the toilet (finally!), getting out art projects for himself, and putting on his jacket without assistance. Three years ago feels more like 10 years ago. I can hardly remember my cuddly chub of panting baby. And I can't imagine how--so quickly, really--he's grown into this self-assured little person. Lover of tiny things (when trying to get hints out of me about his birthday present, he asked, excitedly, "but is it tiny?" in the same way that Luke and Jaz would have hoped for something BIG), lover of worms, lover of music and water, devoted brother, and adoring son.

I'm so proud of who you've grown to be.
Happy Birthday, Zeben!

Zeben Sky, one week old

Zeben Sky, one year old

Zeben Sky, two years old

Zeben Sky, three years old!

A bit of a birthday video
(fun to compare with the one from a year ago)


Denise said...

That three year old picture is gorgeous! Happy bird-day to Zeben!

Susan said...

Happy Birthday to Zeben! We're celebrating 3 around here this week, too!! The photos are fantastic--I particularly love the one of him looking at his cake. The video is great, too!

Jessica said...

I've been reading your blog for awhile (clicked over from MDC), but I just wanted to say that the video of Zeben singing and playing his harmonica one of the cutest things I've seen in a long time and. It cheered me up and was a great start to the day!
Also, I love his owl shirt!! I'm a bird biologist, so I think birds are pretty awesome too!
Jess B

Kathryn said...

Happy Birthday Zeben!

May said...

The dancing feet and dramatic eyes over apples take the (birthday carrot) cake. Happy Birthday to Zeben!

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday Zeben!

Ana said...

Happy birthday to Zeben and congratulations to you! You have such a wonderful family!