

I apologize for the delay in posting an update to the photo vote. I was waiting on my wife and her dorky sweet graphing skills, so that I could include this visual aid:

There were three clear winners, and Lena and I have decided to take your wonderful advice and choose these photos to be permanent fixtures in our home.

Just for the record, this one is MY absolute favorite.
I don't think a photo has ever captured My Love quite so well.

This one will go in our bedroom.

And some of YOU GUYS are winners, too! We randomly (Luke and Jaz picked your names out of a hat) selected boo, michelle, and CD and SP to each receive a $100 gift card to Sarah Prall Photography. Please email at me totallysmittenmama at gmail dot com so that I can send you your gift cards in the mail. I can't wait to see how YOUR photos turn out!

Thanks again to all who voted!


Mama Cas said...

Love them all. They are beautiful photos.

boo said...

WOW! I won! This is just too exciting for me. I'll have to spend the next month trying to convince Justine to pose naked with me (because you and Lena look SO gorgeous), but she's holding firm that December will be a little chilly for her. Thank you so much. I can't wait.

michelle said...

Squeeee! This made my day! e-mailing you forthwith!

sara said...

These are lovely photos and you are lucky to have them to have a visual reminder of that special time.