
Proof (for Zeben)

Last night Zeben asked me, gently, and genuinely curious,

"How come you've never grown any babies, Mom? How come Mama is the only one in our family who grows babies?"

I was a little surprised by the question, but not exceptionally so--three-year-olds are very good at living in the moment, and Zeben is very three--and I simply answered,

"I've grown babies too. I grew Luke and Jaz and you."

37 weeks pregnant with Luke and Jaz*
(14 pounds and 11 ounces of baby arrived one week later)

39 weeks pregnant with Zeben*
(10 pounds, 10 ounces of baby arrived one week later)

Zeben wasn't done. "But how come you're not growing a baby right now?"

As if I needed any encouragement to have more babies. The truth is that this is the longest I've gone without being pregnant since shortly after my 22nd birthday, and I feel like I'm experiencing normal, adult hormones for the first time! And yes, the biological desire to reproduce is certainly present once again, but luckily I feel pretty well satiated by the fact that I do have a baby (who is currently sleeping snuggled up beside me). Though my body may be confused, my mind is not.

"You silly--we already have a baby in our family!"

"Oh, right. But will you grow a baby soon?"

Clearly he's a boy after my own heart. Already badgering people--his own mother--into having babies. I'm so proud.

*clearly our photography skills have increased dramatically in the last few years!


A. Mama said...

"Clearly he's a boy after my own heart. Already badgering people--his own mother--into having babies. I'm so proud."
I couldn't help but laugh at that...xo

Iris E. said...

Holy Belly, Batwoman!
Those are some gravity-defying bell-bells, Lex!
Bell-Bell is how Sylvan still refers to my own belly, and he just loves the soft squishy parts (that I don't love as much). A good reminder to cherish oneself. I think Sylvan's idea of the best kind of female might be in line with the Venus of Willendorf goddess figures----nice and round all over. Here, Here!

XO To you!