
Lena Speaks

posted by Lena

Lex/my love (we've never called each other by our real names) asked me to write a post tonight. In trying to do so, even just for a few minutes, I have an increased appreciation for how much work she puts into this space. I mean, where DOES she find the time? But I love this blog, I started out a doubter, even asked not to be in it at first (notice a conspicuous lack of mention of me in the early days...), but I have become the most faithful follower. I would like to take my brief air time to ask you, my fellow Totally Smitten blog readers (announced, anonymous, lurkers, and frequent commenters alike) to drop a comment telling my love how we appreciate the time and creative energy she puts into this space....

Lex (and Leo), blogging
November 2009


Anonymous said...

I do appreciate it! Really, so much. In the middle of wine-sipping, cake-mixing and grad-school-reading, it is so nice to come here in the evenings and read bits and pieces of another's life. So thank you! (from across the country), this space is definitely one of my favorites on the entire entirety of the inter-nets.

Emily said...

I'm a long time lurker. I love, love, love your blog and your family. I'm a queer mama with one year old twins and I find a lot of comfort and inspiration in your family. Love the way you two parent!

Anonymous said...

I appreciate everything you do on this blog! You are so committed to keeping people updated on your life, and you write so well! Thank you for doing this for all your readers

IlluminatedAttic said...

I am happy to laud praise on Lex for this space, but I fear a true accounting of it's significance is not possible in this small text box. On many days your blog simply offers the gift of a chance for me to take a breath and smile. More often I am inspired to better, more peaceful parenting by your posts. I am reminded to slow down and simply enjoy my children and the moment, which is a precious gift (both the moment and the reminder!) I am reminded that puddle stomping, picnics, fingerpainting and dancing in the kitchen are magical moments for our children and can be for us as well if we are open to finding the joy in them. The fact that you show your real life, your moments of growth (or sometimes just messy floors) and not just the most picture perfect moments comforts me in my own daily shortcomings and helps me move optimistically forward. Your adventurous attitude has motivated me to tackle projects I never would have considered myself capable of before. My children truly have a better mother because of this space and the inspiration, in its many different forms, that you fill it with. A thousand hugs of thank you Lex!

no ordinary life said...

I totally lurk and LOVE your blog. I've been inspired countless times in many ways. I echo what Maestra wrote, she said it all. I've been reminded to parent in the moment, to be more green and to really live my dreams. I mean it, Im not just saying that. Your family is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

Laura said...

I love your blog! I've read many blogs by moms, and the absolute highest praise I can give is to say that the way you talk about your life and your family is inspirational and not at all annoying. Never to precious, or too good to be true, your entries have an earnest, joyous, NORMAL-NESS that I adore. It's an authentic tone that is so often lacking in the blogging world and I thank you for taking the time to voice it.

Anna said...

I love your blog! I totally agree, there's a honesty & inspiration in your blog that is not in every blog. I'm loving your month of posting!

Kalisis Rising said...

This blog inspires me to be the mama I know I am inside. I admire the gusto with which you both live your lives with your children.

You are living the picture I had in my mind and although my life is vastly, vastly different and it's sometimes painful for me to read all the amazing stuff you are doing, it is also very reassuring to know that there ARE parents out there who do the right thing and are raising loving, light filled children.

JMe said...

I love your blog Lex! I love watching your boys grow and discover new things. I love how they play with simple toys and use their immaginations. And I really appreciate how much you write about and advocate breastfeeding! Thank you so much for that. And thank you for honestly opening up your lives to us. I am an avid follower.

Mama - Deah said...

The time is appreciated! I've been reading your blog for a couple years now and love hearing about your family and all the earth friendly things you've set in place.


Woolymama said...

I love this blog! As a (hopefully soon-to-be) future Mama of a donor-conceived child I am grateful for the insight Lex shares about how that figures into your family. The joy that you clearly all feel in your adorable family is contagious, Lex writes about it eloquently, and this is a lovely space -I check it daily! It doesn't hurt that you two have the world's cutest boys, and take pretty great pictures to boot.

LauraM said...

Let me count the ways:
1. Color. Your photos are gorgeous, and occasionally make me think about trading in my 9-year-old digital camera until I remember how much new, good cameras cost.
2. Creative parenting ideas. Glue gun + pinecones? Mittens with activities for each day? Getting your older kids to change the diapers of the younger one? Genius.
3. Tone. You are so non-preachy even when talking about preachy subjects like breastfeeding, cloth diapers, carlessness, etc.
4. Cute kids. I know we all think our kids are cute, but some are objectively, clearly, don't-have-to-be-related-to-them cute. Zeben in the witch costume? I'd stare at that picture all day.
5. And finally, I can daydream about the day Scott or I make it into a blog entry in a cameo role. Which would be like a brush with fame, only not really.

Christina said...

Oh, I so love it here! It is open and honest and inspiring. Definitely the blog I look forward to the most. : D Thank you for finding the time to share a peek into your world. I am grateful that you carve out a bit of your precious time to chronicle your days and that you choose to share with us.

Lynsie said...

Thank you!!! I love reading this blog.

Unknown said...

Another lurker here to say that I love your blog and posts. It's the first blog I check each day. I think the reason I enjoy it so much is that it reminds me to really enjoy these days of parenting young children (a 3.5 year old and a 5 month old). When I'm exhausted or just frustrated, your posts remind me to focus on the fun and laugh at the rest. I also have been inspired by your creative ideas and craftiness. I think that looking at some of your crafting is probably what inspired me to pull out my sewing machine and put it to more use. So, I'm not a frequent commenter, but I am in frequent admiration for you and your family. Thanks for taking the time to share it all with us.

Bree said...

I'm one of those lurkers. Guilty. Lex, thank you for letting us take a peak into your beautiful family. Your writing and convictions inspire me daily.

lex's li'll sis said...

I am so grateful for your blog, Lexa. And I'm so happy to see people all over the country appreciating and learning and benefitting from your creativity, your endeavors (both the ones that turn out just as you had planned and the ones that taught you unplanned lessons.) You are truly an inspiration. And I am so proud to be your sister. Thanks for giving us all the opportunity to recognize Lexa's awesomeness, Lena. Love you both.

Susan said...

I love your blog, Lex--hands down my favorite blog-read of any given day. Your family is beautiful, and you tell its story well.

I Heart Kale said...

I'm another lurker (and a Smithie! I don't know you guys directly, but we overlapped and have mutual friends) and I just adore this blog. I'm so inspired by your chill approach to parenting and your beautiful crafting!

runningwiththejig said...

I get so excited when I see a new post. Always makes my day!

Sarah-the-Yente said...

I'm a brand new reader (thank Hannah @ I Heart Kale-- I'm also a Smithie) and want to thank you nonetheless. I'm queer and a woman and in a relationship that (assuming all goes well) is about five years away from parenting. It means a lot to me to be able to read about queer moms raising kids together. It makes it normative, and that is an enormous gift to all the queer parents (and prospective parents) out there.

rebekah said...

Daily lurker and first time poster---I LOVE your blog! It's fun, colorful, light-hearted and inspirational. I would be so sad if you stopped blogging, and look forward to your posts, however frequent or infrequent they may be.

three feet high said...

i get very excited whenever a new totally smitten mama post pops up in my reader. this is definitely one of my favorite blogs -- and as a mom of one toddler who can barely find time to post to my own, i am extra impressed with the time lex puts into this space!

Anonymous said...

another lurker (and another lesbian about 6 months away from TTC). i love reading about your daily adventures, and also appreciate your uncensored love of and delight in your fantastic family!

Amber said...

A guilty lurker as well! But needed to chime in to let you know that I too love reading your blog, it's one of my favorite "breaks" at work! Hope to get together soon.
- Amber

Megan said...

This blog is a beacon in my somewhat humdrum days as a mom of 3. I love seeing how you both pull together this parenting thing with laughter, love, and beauty.

I love this little window into your days and am inspired by family fun and love that I see here.

I know that a successful blog is hard to create and I appreciate all her hard work!

Witty said...

oh yes, i am so glad you write! your ideas, your photos - love it all! you have a precious family and i'm glad you share a bit of your life with us all.

Heather said...

How does she do it? Truly....

Daily reader hear. I like the sneak peek into your lives and the way she brings things I think into a coherent thought. It would be nice to hear more from you too.

I struggle with just keeping it all together with 4 kids, never mind working, sewing, crafting, etc. so she keeps me motivated to at least try!

Ayana said...

Hey there,
It's Ayana, Zakia's sister. Just wanted to say that I read, and I learn, and I laugh, and I appreciate. Thanks for sharing!

Melissa said...

I'm a lurker here and adore your blog. I look forward to reading it every day. Thank you for writing, you inspire me and give me wonderful ideas to do with my girls (3 year old and 5 month old). You both are fantastic parents!

Sharri said...

I just wanted to say I love to check in and see what Lex has written. I find her honesty and creativity inspiring as a mom myself. I knew Lena from high school as her brother, Ethan and my brother are friends. I have to say, I especially love to see the growing, beautiful babies and hear about your adventures! Thanks! Sharri

Scotties6 said...

Totally a daily reader! Yours is actually the only blog I read. I also have four kiddies (all girls), my youngest was born June 28th, not long after Leo. I am passionate about home birthing (if possible), breastfeeding, cloth diapering, holistic education and Eco living. I find joy and camaraderie in your photos and writing. Love, Love, love coming here everyday! Thank you! Maggie

Unknown said...

I absolutely appreciate this blog. You are an inspiration to me in many ways such as ideas for crafting and parenting decisions with my son. I think your children and family are all absolutely amazing. It is a pleasure to see other families aspiring to do better and greater things such as being a one-car family and riding your bakiets around town. I look to you for motivation and many other things! Your blog is amazing and I truly appreciate each word you write to share with us all. And above all, it will be an amazing thing for your children to read when they are older. I hope they will appreciate it just as much as I do!

This Mama said...

Seriously! I was a HUGE skeptic of blogging in general until I discovered Totally Smitten Mama. I truly appreciate how much time you take out of your busy life to write something that this mama can't wait to read:) Thanks.

Zakia said...

Hi Lex and Lena,
I love reading the blog because it makes me feel connected to you (all six of you). I have been so bad at being in touch in the past few years, so I relish the opportunity to stay somewhat current by reading the blog.

May said...

Lexa - I love reading your blog-journal because even though right now we are not in close touch, I still feel like I know the ins and outs of your family and I am experiencing your boys grow. Given our history (it's probably not too much of an overstatement to say that you ARE my childhood!), this feels essential. Also, I think I will be a better mama myself (maybe in the next year? Or two) because of all the ideas and reflections you share. Kisses to Lena and and I Love You to all six. xo

Liz said...

My wife and I also love to read your blog. We check it daily and and sit and laugh. We love the creativity you have and the many crafty things you do help inspire me and give me new idea as well. You have a great family, keep it up!

CD and SP said...

we love this blog! from the moment my wife found it she was instantly jealous of your life and your goats and chickens and pure, country, honest living. i always know i can look forward to a good, thoughtful post and great pics.
and i, too, marvel at where she finds the time to do all of this with 4 children! amazing woman you've got there!

Selinda said...

I have been a lurker for a while now, and do appreciate this blog.

I am 22 weeks pregnant with our first child, and and I am full of anxiety about everything (will my child be born healthy? will we be good moms? will my child like us?)- My sweet love does not want me to to read any blogs or discussion boards because it only makes me worry more - but I am "allowed" to read your because it makes me truly believe that we can do this... And for that, I appreciate you, your family, and your blog.

WanderingFive said...

I am also a very long time lurker and love, love, love your blog. I am a mom to three boys and am continually amazed and inspired by your seemingly endless energy and creativity. Your children are so, so blessed to have you as a mom.

You're one of my top bookmarks: gmail, facebook, totallysmittenmama.I visit everyday and love it.

kim said...

love it and eagerly look for it in my google reader. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm so fascinated with your family! There is magic in your home and its because you are both wonderful mothers. I think yall are awesome! I love lurking :-)

Kelly said...

You are so very appreciated. I look forward to every post. You inspire me and bring a smile to my face with every entry. Please continue to share the joy and the everyday happenings of your truly blessed family. Thank you again.

Unknown said...

Another long time lurker here. Found your lovely little space while googling ideas for biking with kids. LOVE your blog. As the mother of a son whose age falls somewhere in the middle of your guys, your chronicles of motherhood and life give me much to anticipate and much to reminisce. I have no doubt that someday the contents of this blog will be a cherished possession of each of your boys... their childhoods captured in text and photos so beautifully, honestly, and (often) humorously.

Thank you for taking the time to give the world a little glimpse into your life.

Alex said...

I stumbled across your blog this summer while on bed rest, feeling sorry for myself, laying there confined to a hospital bed. It was certainly not how I had envisioned spending my final trimester. I ‘d had a very healthy pregnancy , then all of a sudden at 32 weeks, WHAM, I went into labor , and was forced on bed for the rest of my pregnancy. Your blog gave me something to smile at and I began to look forward to reading your posts, after I had my son (Noah) I was again feeling a little down, I had so badly wanted to have a natural birth but when I went into labor a couple days after coming off of bed rest, my nurse midwife discovered that not only I was 5 cm dilated but surprise! He was frank breech and I had to be rushed into surgery. Two months later I had to have a second procedure because my surgeon left a large piece of the placenta in. Reading about your experience with your C section and your desire to make breast feeding happen gave me the courage and confidence in me to overcome it all, I thought if you could do it with twins surely I could successfully breast feed one! I am proud to say that after many struggles I have now become a breast feeding pro. Your writing has motivated me to come out of my comfort zone, for instance cloth diapering, this is something I never even dreamed of doing, but after reading about it in your blog I felt empowered to try it myself (I love it!) and it therefore has led me to be more open in all other aspects of my life, I have been so inspired and now try to make greener choices for my family. So I thank you for finding time in your busy schedule to write about your lives, it has made such a difference in mine importantly in the life of my son. You have enabled me to be the parent he deserves and for that I will always be grateful.
Yours thankfully,

Sara said...

I LOVE your blog! I check it daily, thanks for your dedication.

Lisa and Betty said...

I too lurk your blog daily--its in my top five bookmarks. As a teacher of infants and toddlers and infant toddler caregivers, I use anecdotes from your life often to help parents and teachers understand how to really respect very young children. Keep up the good work! Many, many blogs by parents are just visual and verbal spillover from their lives, but your blog (obviously from all the comments) really does create change in the world because you are sharing the real work of raising children well and showing others that they can too!

Olga said...

I want to say thanks to both of you- Lex and Lena. The birth story of Leo had an amazing impact on me and my own labor experience. My son was born without any drugs or other interventions to the total amazement of the nursing staff and my husband! And now 5 months later first thing I do when I get some "me time" is read your blog. I find it truly inspirational on so many levels. You are an amazing,wholesome family. My warmest wishes to all of you. Please don't stop blogging, we need you!

Unknown said...

This is one of my favorite blogs! It makes me feel like a stalker to explain that I've been following and loving your blog since I found you in the june due dates board at MDC - maybe a year ago? my daughter is almost exactly the same age as your Leo. but I confess I haven't said anything until now. Thank you, Lex, for putting in the effort on this blog. I look forward to every new post and have found so much inspiration in your thoughtful writing, your photos, and your family.

(I also used to live in your town, and miss living there very much, so reading about your life with the PV as the backdrop is an added bonus for me.)

thanks again!

mavibleu said...

I am a lurker and read daily. Love your insight to motherhood and families and relationships.

Vange said...

Dear Lex (and Lena, hi!),

I so very much appreciate your blog! This last week I had an Alexander moment that seemed to go on for days (terrible, horrible no-good, very bad...) Your blog was there EVERY DAY as a treat for me to read. Your pictures and stories made me smile. You are incredibly skilled at weaving an event with words; reading your blog is such a pleasure. After hanging out with your blog, I could move back into my own life feeling like as long as there are fabulous loving creative queer women with amazing loving creative kids in this world, then things will be ok.

And on top of that, this last blogging-every-day marathon of yours has inspired me to write every day, too. (And since I have a dissertation to finish, I really need to!)

Thanks again, Lex. Your hard work here is so appreciated!


Annie said...

Lurker here... I found your blog through MDC, and I love reading it. I'll be a first time mom when my little one is born this spring, and you give me a lot of inspiration and excitement for what's to come!

Anonymous said...

I have commented sporadically, but I read the blog almost every day! I found it while looking at Bakfiets bikes, but I am a stay-at-home mom with a young daughter, and I love reading about your family!
You have such a way with words, and the camera! Your children are unbelievably gorgeous, and I love reading about your relationship with your wife. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with so much trouble in the world, the wars and disasters and politics; it's so so nice to come here and be reminded of what really matters. Family, home, and love.
Thank you!

Mama Cas said...

I love love love this blog. I can't remember how I got here or how long I've been following you, but I "check in" on you guys every day. Thank you for taking the time to write about your family and for inspiring me to start my own blog.

The thing I love the most about the blogging world is that I get to read about how other people live their lives. Even though we have different parenting styles and live in different parts of the country, I can gain some insight into my own ideas and practices by reading about yours.

Please...keep writing. We appreciate and love you, even if we don't leave comments every day.

Laura said...

Lex, my wife introduced me to your blog, and we both have fun reading it - we are looking forward to the day (soon) when we can start our own family, and be the kind of parents that truly enjoy their children and time spent taking care of them. We are also very much interested in all sorts of environmentally-helpful activities and sustainable living, so we get lots of ideas and encouragement from you and your family.
Lastly, we live in your town, and we are always so excited to see you, Lena, or your kids around town - we seem to have the same favorite coffee shop and burrito place, and our yoga studio is right upstairs from Cradle. I always call my wife - "guess what, I just saw Lena and Leo!" :)
Oh, AND... Lena's degree is almost exactly what I want to do, and I am hoping to attend the same department at the same school very, very soon!
Thanks to ALL of you! :)

f said...

I am a serial lurker- never comment! but I love your blog and your positive-ness and family. thanks for blogging a lot.

Jessica said...

Another lurker...This is definitely my favorite blog! I love coming here and reading about your family. I too have always wanted to be a mother, though I think it will be a while before I start a family. (First I need a partner, and also probably better to finish my phd first.) I am the oldest of four, which often makes me want to have four kids of my own some day, and sometimes makes me think that two is enough to handle! It's great to hear your stories about juggling four, being a famiy of two moms, and living a eco-life. Keep up the wonderful work!

keight dukes said...

your blog posts are the literary equivalent of eating a totally satifying, delicious, yet 100% nutritious meal. they are so easy to read yet packed with such good stuff. i can honestly say i live my life differently for having read your blog. RAH RAH!

ellabelle said...

I am a little bit addicted to your blog, Lex, and not just because I love your family outside of the blogosphere too. You write about both the challenges and joys of parenthood and family life with such a genuine sense of wonder and appreciation that it makes me want to face my own days with that same enthusiasm! Also, and I've said this before, your family have the most collectively and individually adorable bunch of children I have ever laid eyes on! Love you all!

michelle said...

Infrequent commenter, but a faithful reader. I know how hard it is finding the time to read your blog with just one kid, so i appreciate the effort that you put in to create such thoughtful, entertaining posts with four! Thank you so much for sharing!

Alison said...

I am a faithful reader of your blog and always enjoy seeing that a new post has been made. I have 5 children and am expecting our 6th this summer. We are planning our 3rd home birth and so I have enjoying reading about your family and birth experiences. Thank you for sharing your life with us!

Unknown said...

Always a reader, never a commenter...that's my story. But for you, Dear Smitten One - I will de-lurk. ---And look at the number of de-lurkers you have inspired! How cool is that!----I love to read about your adventures in parenting and partnering, and home-owning. Your photographs are gorgeous (and with kids as delicious as yours, how could they not be?) and your art/craft projects inspire me. Thank you for writing your blog.
Wishing you and your family a happy snow-filled rest of the winter

Kal said...

I'm a lurker! I love your blog because I have a 5.5 year old son, a 3 year old son, and a 5 month old son - so I feel like I can relate to a lot of what you write. I also live in a not-very-crunchy part of the Pioneer Valley, so I love that you're nearby & doing the natural parenting thing ;)

LDT: Blog said...

I too am a lurker. I absolutely enjoy following along and I think you do a wonderful job documenting your beautiful journey! Thanks for sharing so honestly!

ashley said...

i've said it before, and i'll say it again. your blog is my absolute FAVORITE blog. it is beautiful, both visually and the stories about your family are beyond beautiful. i love hearing your thoughts on children and how amazing/challenging/wonderful they are. i also love your suggestions of good products. i've adapted (trying not to outright steal :-) several of your crafty ideas and they are so inspirational. thank you so much for taking the time and effort to do this blog. i love it, and so does my husband!

sk said...

I don't know if I've commented before, but I LOVE your blog! You have such a beautiful family. I am not a mama yet, but I hope to be one soon and I enjoy reading about your creative pursuits and the way you keep your home and how you engage with your family. Thanks for doing what you do!

Kathryn said...

I'm a bit late posting my comment, but I want you to know how much I appreciate your blog. I actually started to write you an email around Thanksgiving to share with you a little of what your blog has meant to me, but then I felt suddenly shy and a bit insecure...wondering why you would be interested in what I, someone who doesn't know you and your family personally, had to say. It's just now, with a great chuckle of self-kindness that I see how silly it is to assume that just because someone hasn't met me, that I don't have something to say that they might find interesting. After all, I'm here writing a post to tell you how much what you say and share means to me...and I don't know personally. So, once again, Lex, through your blog you've opened my mind and my heart and my creative soul. I find your blog inspiring and heartwarming. I admire and appreciate your honesty, your willingness to share challenges, your joyfulness with life and love and parenting, your crafty projects which always get my gears turning, and so much more. Your blog is a gift of the spirit. Thank you all the time, energy, and you-ness that you give. I look forward to your future posts!

Rubetta said...

Another dedicated set of lurkers here. We get so excited to see your adventures. We are hoping to be parents soon and love the eco friendly stuff we read. You have a wonderful family and look forward to new adventures to come.

To-Fu said...

Hi! To-Fu from MDC here. I don't think I've ever commented, but have been reading avidly for a couple of years. I love your dedication to documenting your family's life together, and I am kind of in love with all of you. You take some beautiful photographs and really know how to turn a phrase.

korin said...

I'm also a longtime lurker, former MDC buddy (chiromama). You guys are inspiring and delightful!

sara said...

A bit late to the party but I, too, love stopping by TSM, Lex. The photos of your boys are amazing, your crafting inspiring, & the joy you show when talking about your family lovely. Oh, and I like the bits about the Baks a lot, too...

Professor LD said...

You're talent and creativity as a person and mother are inspiring, Lex.
Your family is beautiful (do you intentionally put those lovely blue-eyed boys in blue?), and your honesty is refreshing.
Thanks for being a great blogger.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! My partner and I are expecting our first. Like you, I have always wanted kids and it has been so much work to wait until finding the perfect person and the semi-ideal (well, we should just go ahead and do it) circumstances before making the big leap. Your family is awesome! Oh, and I sencond the post about a welcome break from grad school reading- ugh.

Anonymous said...

Lex and Lena- I'm a huge fan of your blog. You make it all seem so easy and uncomplicated! I love the photos and the stories you tell.
I'm expecting my first the end of March. (She's due a few short weeks before the Smith Class of 2000 reunion- which will be my first reunion back at the school- I can't wait!!!)

Meredith said...

I learned about this blog from my twin sister, who I believe heard of it through MDC. I am not a parent, but I love this blog. It is so well written, and beautifully tells the story of your family. Coming from a large family (5 children) I love seeing the interaction between your children and the things you do with your kids. It reminds me of being young. Thank you so much.