
Blown Away

Wow. I am feeling way overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support in response to Lena's blog post yesterday. I admit that when I first read what she had posted, I thought, "huh, well that's a bit of a cop-out now, isn't it?" But already your lovely comments were steadily coming in, and I reevaluated my original take on My Love's attempt at blogging when I realized what a gift she'd given me. Hearing how much you enjoy or appreciate this space or how I might have inspired you in one way or another really made my day.

To be clear, I had no intention of stopping blogging--it is mainly a selfish pursuit that helps me to recognize all of the joy in my life--but your support has inspired me to keep on with daily posting, at least for the time being.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.


May said...

YES! I was going to sneak back in on Lena's post and beg for at least near-daily posts in Feb. Love ya.

Mama Cas said...

We all love your blog and are eager to read your writing....

That being said, we absolutely understand that you have a life outside of blogging! You have a family to take care of and a non-computer life to live. Please don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself to blog every single day. If you take a day off now and then? We'll all still be here waiting for you! Take care of yourself and take care of your family.


May said...

Oh fine. What Mama Cas said. :)

Ditto said...

I missed the day that Lena posted, but figured it wasn't too late to chime in now. Your blog is one of my favorites. I have been reading it for several years now. You were a touchstone for me when I was coming out and now you encourage me to pursue my dreams of getting married and having children with my partner. Thank you for sharing yourself and your beautiful family with the blogsphere! I appreciate you.